Intuitive Reiki

Intuitive Reiki Healing with Amanda

$80/60 min session

Are you facing physical or mental challenges such as overwhelm, low energy, grief, poor sleep, or chronic pain? Intuitive Reiki seamlessly integrates Intuition, Reiki, and sound therapy, tailored to meet your unique needs. Each session is intuitively guided, possibly incorporating verbal support for emotional release. As you embark on this transformative journey, expect to leave with a sense of lightness, heightened relaxation, and alignment with yourself. Whether you're seeking relief from acute or chronic illness, addressing emotional discomfort, managing physical pain, striving to find balance amid life's chaos, or simply aiming to elevate your overall well-being, secure a session to immerse yourself in the transformative experience of intuitive Reiki and sound healing.

Intuitive Reiki Energy Balancing

$45/30 min session

Experience the harmonious fusion of Intuitive Reiki and sound healing with this mini maintenance session. Designed for quick yet profound energy balancing, this session focuses on rebalancing your energy and chakras. Unlike the one-hour session, there’s no verbal communication—just pure bliss and relaxation. Let the gentle touch of Reiki and the soothing sounds envelop you in a cocoon of tranquility, facilitating a deep state of harmony within. This abbreviated yet powerful experience aims to realign your energetic flow swiftly, leaving you with a sense of inner peace and rejuvenation. Embrace the serenity as your energy is attuned, bringing balance and calm to your mind, body, and spirit.

 Service available in person

Payment by E-transfer or Cash at time of service