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Reconnecting with your inner child Journey.

This tailored experience is designed for individuals struggling to connect deeply with themselves due to unresolved childhood trauma. It addresses fragmentation in life and relationships manifested through dissociation, avoidance, and anxious attachment. By rewriting the narrative of self-abandonment, participants can reintegrate fragmented parts and emerge as whole adults. This journey requires courage to confront abandoned aspects and navigate shadows. Participants emerge with a profound self-connection, renewed self-image, and deeper self-love.

$60 per person

Package of 4 Journeys for $200,

$190 if added within 24hrs of first full price journey

Payment by Credit, Pay Pal or EFT (use code EFTJ2S) at check out.

payment must be received within 2 hours of registration to hold your spot

May 5

The Letting Go Journey

May 12

The 5 Primary Trauma’s Journey